Rabu, 15 Juni 2011


S – Start small
M – Motivate yourself
A – Accumulate positive habits
R – Resist impulses
T – Track it


We all want to improve ourselves and our place in the world. Sometimes radically. However, implementing “radical change” isn’t always practical for people facing multiple pressures. It’s not like we can suddenly stop being parents, employees or employers, and running the household while we put all our improvements in place!

So how do you implement change and still continue to function day-to-day?

By implementing small, easy improvements every day. This will put you on a continual path of bettering yourself and your situation.

While the daily improvements you make will be simple, over time they will add up to a radical transformation.

This is how change happens – step-by-step. And that is our approach in this program, slow and steady will win this race!


If you think you can break old bad habits, and build new positive habits easily, think again.

The fact is that good habits are hard to form, but easy to live with. Bad habits, on the other hand are easy to form, but hard to live with.

But don’t panic. My job is to make sure you breeze through this journey smoothly and with a lot of joy. My point here is, you need to put yourself into a high motivation status (and stay there) in order to achieve success. This training program has been designed to make sure you stay: Focused, Motivated, Disciplined.


The concept of short-term success or big changes is great, but short lived. For a long-term success, you’ll need to take small, constant steps on your way to create successful change and improvement.

Slow and steady wins this race. Remember this always. By the end of this 12-month program, you’ll realize how much you’ve grown, changed and improved. How much closer you are to living the life you want to live. If doesn’t happen overnight, but it will happen!

For you to develop positive habits, you’ll need to:

Build positive habit #1
Build positive habit #2, while keeping habit #1 too
Build positive habit #3, while keeping habits 2 & 1
And so on…

Got the idea?

This approach guarantees a low-pressure change, quick short-termsuccess and most importantly, huge future success!

The good news is that the habits you’ll be develop over the course of the next 12 lessons support each other. Each habit builds upon the next.


Let’s be honest… If you are a human being, then you will face temptation to return to your old bad habits. It’s easier to stay in your comfort zone.

Unless you’re a Robot or having an iron-like self-discipline, then it’s normal to slip sometimes or find it difficult, especially at the start.

The solution?

We need to make sure that you…

Catch yourself when you feel that impulse
Kill that temptation before it escalates
Sharpen your self-discipline

Remember what I said before?

“Unless you’re a robot or having an iron-like self-discipline, then it’s normal to slip sometimes or find it difficult, especially at the start.” Well, considering that you are NOT a robot :) , then your only choice is to develop an iron-like self-discipline. And you definitely can.

So get prepared for that! Self-disciplined is the best gift you can give yourself.


Finally, you will need to keep track of your progress with those positive habits. You’ll need to take notes, clarify any difficulties you faced in order to adjust your approach accordingly. As you know by now, you need to accumulate good habits overtime. So, it’s not a surprise that after, say 3 monthsyou’ll be tracking 12-15 new positive habits in your life!

What about 6 months? 24-30 new positive habits in your life… and so on.

This part can be handled by simple paper trackers or software, more on this later.

Source: http://mysmarthabits.com/members/lesson1/

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Interpersonal Intelligence

Menurut Howard Gardner, kecerdasan yang dimiliki manusia dapat di klasifikasikan kedalam 8 kelompok utama, meliputi :
  1. Linguistics Intelligence   : kemampuan mengolah dan memahami bahasa.
  2. Logical Intelligence        : kemampuan memecahkan masalah angka dan pemikiran logis atau penalaran
  3. Spatial Intelligence         : kemampuan dalam memahami perspektif ruang dan dimensi
  4. Musical Intelligence   : kemampuan memebaca bunyi-bunyi musical dan memiliki kepekaan terhadapnya
  5. Kinesthetic Intelligence  : kemampuan dalam aktivitas yang membutuhkan kelincahan tubuh.
  6. Interpersonal Intelligence: kemampuan berkomunikasi dan membina relasi yang baik dengan orang lain
  7. Intrapersonal Intelligence: kemampuan memahami diri sendiri.
  8. Nature Intelligence      : kemampuan memahami gejala alam, kesadaran ekologis dan kepekaan terhadap bentuk-bentuk alam
Setiap manusia memeliki lebih dari satu jenis kecerdasan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan management yang baik untuk mengolah semua resources yang kita miliki dalan mencapai tujuan hidup. Salah satu jenis kecerdasan yang sangat mempengaruhi kesuksesan dan kehidupan social kita adalah Interpersonal Intelligence.

Interpersonal Intelligence biasa disebut sebagai Social Intelligence atau kecerdasan social. Merupakan kemampuan untuk menciptakan , membangun dan mempertahankan suatu hubungan antar pribadi yang sehat dan saling menguntungkan. Interpersonal Intelligence terbagi dalam 3 dimensi utama:
-         Social Sensitivity adalah kemampuan merasakan reaksi atau perubahan pada orang lain yang ditunjukkan secara verbal maupun non-verbal.
-         Social Insight adalah kemampuan untuk memahami dan mencari pemecahan masalah yang efektif dalam suatu interaksi social.
-         Social Communication adalah kemampuan menggunakan proses komunikasi dalam menjalin hubungan antar pribadi yang sehat. Kemampuan inilah yang berkaitan erat dengan public speaking.

Karakteristik orang dengan Interpersonal Intelligence tinggi:
  1. mampu menciptakan dan membangun relasi social yang baru dengan efektif
  2. mampu berempati dengan orang lain atau memahami orang lain secara total
  3. mampu mempertahankan dan mengembangkan relasi social menjadi lebih dalam dan bermakna
  4. sensitive terhadap perubahan situasi social sehingga mudah beradaptasi.
  5. Mampu mencegah munculnya masalah dalam relasi social dan menyelesaikan masalah dengan pendekatan win – win solution.
  6. Keterampilan berkomunikasi dan pembawaan diri yang efektif.

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010


If you're going to post your writing, e-mail us at : Progressivelearningcommunity@gmail.com
or you can email me as the administrator of this PLC at : Wihelmuswilly@gmail.com
You may give comment, criticism, suggestion or any other opinions.


PLC (Progressive Learning Community) is a community of learning. In this PLC we learn each other.
For you who want to improve your learning, come and join us in PLC.
Schedule of learning:
Every : Sunday, Tuesday and Friday
Time : 06.30 p.m. - 08.45 p.m. (in the evening)
Place : Room E3 (Kanjuruhan University of Malang)
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Contact Persons:
1. Willy ('07) : 0857 558 632 09
2. Jono ('08) : 0857 495 787 60
3. Ana ('08)  : 0877 571 048 79
4. Ryan ('09): 0852 533 577 98
5. Hendra ('10) : 0813 451 384 08
6. Nana ('10) : 0857 908 367 25